News & Updates

Getting Ghost Guns Off Our Streets

Last week, we won a major victory for District residents and public safety: a court permanently banned ghost gun manufacturer Polymer80 from selling untraceable firearms and build-at-home gun kits to DC residents. And the court ordered Polymer80 to pay $4 million in penalties—the maximum…

Press Release

AG Racine Leads Coalition of 15 AGs Opposing North Carolina's Discriminatory Law Restricting Voting Rights for Returning Citizens

 Attorney General Karl A. Racine today led a coalition of 15 attorneys general in filing a friend of the court brief supporting nonprofit organization, Community Success Initiative’s, challenge to North Carolina’s discriminatory law that would restrict the voting rights of returning…

Topics: Civil Rights
Press Release

AG Racine & AG James Lead Coalition of 17 AGs Opposing Florida's Defense of Its Discriminatory Voting Law

District of Columbia Attorney General Karl A. Racine and New York Attorney General Letitia James co-led a group of 17 attorneys general opposing Florida’s discriminatory law that would make it more difficult for millions of Floridians—especially the elderly, disabled, and communities of color—to…

Topics: Civil Rights
Press Release

AG Racine Leads Coalition of 20 Attorneys General Backing Important New Federal Rule to Stop Flow of Ghost Guns, Improve Public Safety

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today, alongside his counterparts in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, led a group of 20 Attorneys General in filing an amicus brief supporting an important new federal rule regulating “ghost guns”: unserialized weapons that are often made at home from weapon parts…

Topics: Public Safety
Press Release

AG Racine Creates New Grant Program to Provide Immediate Assistance to Vulnerable Migrants Transported From Arizona & Texas

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced that in response to Texas and Arizona Governors’ busing migrants to the District, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) will offer grants to local organizations at the front lines of providing critical humanitarian assistance and services.

Topics: Immigration
Press Release

AG Racine Wins Judgment Against Ghost Gun Manufacturer Polymer80 & Secures $4 million In Penalties

Today, Attorney General Karl A. Racine announced that the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) won a $4 million court judgment in its lawsuit against Polymer80, a ghost gun manufacturer and distributor. In a landmark ruling, the court permanently barred Polymer80 from selling unserialized,…

Topics: Public Safety

Fighting for Elder Justice so Older DC Residents Can Live with Dignity

Last Thursday, I joined AARP DC State Director Louis Davis, Jr. and more than a hundred DC residents for a conversation about how our office prioritizes combatting exploitation of older District residents, how to help protect our older neighbors from financial abuse and scams, and how we can…

Press Release

AG Racine Leads Coalition Challenging Florida "Don't Say Gay" Law Which Bans Discussion of LGBTQ Issues in Schools

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today led a coalition of 16 Attorneys General in opposing Florida’s recently enacted and discriminatory “Don’t Say Gay” law which prevents classroom discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity, posing a serious threat to LGBTQ+ students who are…

Topics: Civil Rights
Press Release

AG Racine Joins Conversation with AARP DC on OAG's Landmark Work Protecting Older Residents & Vulnerable Adults from Financial Abuse

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today joined AARP DC State Director Louis Davis Jr. for a virtual conversation about the Office of the Attorney General’s (OAG) innovative approach to protecting the District’s 87,000 residents over 65 years old from elder exploitation, abuse, and neglect; holding…

Topics: Elder Justice

CONSUMER ALERT: Flea and Tick Prevention Pet Products Containing Dangerous TCVP

We seek tick and flea protection for our pets because ticks and fleas both annoy our pets and can carry serious diseases that affect our pets and us. However, many tick and flea collars seen in stores contain TCVP – a dangerous chemical that presents serious health risks to our pets, children,…