News & Updates

Get a FREE Ride Home this Halloween

Here are tips to help make sure you and others are safe on the roads this Halloween.

Topics: Public Safety

New Way for Victims to Report Sex Abuse by Clergy

If you are a victim of child sexual abuse by clergy or have knowledge of such abuse, report it to OAG at

Topics: Public Safety
Press Release

AG Racine Sues ICE for Answers About Immigration Crackdowns in DC

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today filed a lawsuit seeking to force U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials to provide answers about recent ICE enforcement actions in the District.

Topics: Immigration

“I Belong Here”: Expanding OAG’s Successful Anti-Truancy Program

It was a packed auditorium at John Philip Sousa Middle School last week for the second annual kickoff of “I Belong Here,” OAG’s year-long attendance competition that works to combat school truancy.

Topics: Other
Press Release

AG Racine Cracks Down On District Slumlords For Health And Safety Hazards

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced multiple lawsuits against the owners and managers of six residential apartment buildings in Wards 7 and 8 for neglecting their properties and forcing hundreds of tenants to live in conditions that threaten their health and safety.

Overwhelmed by robocalls? Here are 5 tips to help!

4.2 billion. That’s how many robocalls (a call that uses an automated dialer to deliver a pre-recorded message) were made to U.S. households in August 2018 alone.

Report Child Abuse—It’s the Law

Reporting child abuse is required by law. Learn how to report.

Topics: Public Safety

Cure the Streets: OAG’s Violence Interruption Program

OAG has launched and fully staffed its own violence interruption program called “Cure the Streets” and it’s already showing some early signs of progress.

Topics: Public Safety
Press Release

AG Racine Sues Personal Care Aides for D.C. Medicaid Billing Fraud

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced that the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has filed lawsuits against three personal care aides alleging that they cheated the District’s Medicaid program out of more than $85,000 by filing false timesheets.