News & Updates

Consumer Alert: DC Restaurants Are Barred from Charging Deceptive Fees

The District’s Consumer Protection Procedures Act grants District consumers the right to complete, accurate, and timely information whenever they purchase goods or services—including when they place orders at restaurants.

Press Release

AG Schwalb Urges Senate to Respect DC's Democratically Enacted Laws

Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb today sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) imploring the Senate to respect the District’s right to self-governance and oppose attempts to further disenfranchise the nearly 700,000 residents living in our nation’s capital.

Topics: Other
Press Release

AG Schwalb Testimony Before DC Council on Future of the Office of the Attorney General & Its Work to Protect Residents

This afternoon, Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb will participate in hearing before the Council of the District of Columbia about the Office of the Attorney General’s (OAG) work to make the District fairer, safer, and more equitable for all its residents. This will be the first time that…

Topics: Other

AG Schwalb Testimony on Office of the Attorney General Performance Oversight Hearing

Statement of Brian L. Schwalb, Attorney General for the District of Columbia

Topics: Other

Worker Alert: Noncompete Provisions Are Now Illegal for Many DC Workers

The Office of Attorney General encourages DC workers to review their employment contracts and contact our office if they believe an employer may be violating a new law on noncompetes.

Congress Needs to Stop Meddling in DC’s Local Laws

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to block two laws passed by the DC Council.

Consumer Alert: Don’t Get Scammed This Tax Season

The Office of Attorney General is committed to holding predatory businesses and individuals accountable, while helping residents avoid unnecessary fees, tax scams, and other pitfalls.

Consumer Alert: You May Qualify for Free Tax Preparation

Consumers often spend hundreds of dollars for tax preparation services when they could get free help through IRS-trained volunteers.

Topics: Consumer Alerts
Press Release

AG Schwalb Statement on U.S. House Voting to Overturn Democratically Enacted Local Laws

AG Schwalb statement  regarding the U.S. House of Representatives’ vote to override democratically enacted local laws.

Topics: Other
Press Release

AG Schwalb Statement Urging the House of Representatives Not to Overturn DC's Democratically Enacted Laws

AG Schwalb Statement regarding the House of Representatives proposed resolutions to overturn the District’s democratically enacted laws.

Topics: Other