News & Updates

Press Release

AG Racine Sues Mark Zuckerberg for Failing to Protect Millions of Users' Data, Misleading Privacy Practices

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today sued Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for directly participating in decision-making that allowed the Cambridge Analytica data breach – the largest consumer privacy scandal in the nation’s history – while Facebook misled users with claims of privacy and data…


Testimony on Paternity Establishment Amendment Act

OAG testified before DC Council about needed reforms to modernize our approach to establishing paternity.

Topics: Child Support

The Office of the Attorney General’s Legal Victories Protecting Housing for DC Residents

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has been using all the tools in our toolbox to preserve existing housing and protect tenants.

Press Release

AG Racine Sues Grubhub for Charging Hidden Fees & Using Misleading Marketing Tactics During the COVID-19 Pandemic to Increase Profits at the Expense of Consumers & Restaurants

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today filed a lawsuit against Grubhub Holdings, Inc. and Grubhub, Inc. (Grubhub), a food delivery company, for charging hidden fees and using deceptive marketing tactics during the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic to increase profits at the expense of consumers and…

Press Release

AG Racine Releases New Report During Consumer Protection Week Showing That Consumer Complaints to OAG Reached the Highest Level Ever in 2021

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today released a new report during Consumer Protection Week highlighting the drastic increase in consumer complaints to the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) in 2021, largely due to the office’s efforts to stand up for consumers, and the amount of money the…

T-Mobile customers should take action to protect their identities, as their data may be for sale on the dark web

Residents who were impacted by the massive data breach announced by T-Mobile in August 2021 should take steps to protect their information from identity theft, because they are at heightened risk as a result of the breach.

Press Release

AG Racine Announces Nearly $4 Million Settlement with Predatory Online Lender That Will Compensate Thousands of District Consumers

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced that Elevate Credit, Inc. (Elevate), a predatory online lender, will pay at least $3.3 million to refund over 2,500 District consumers who were misleadingly marketed high-cost loans and lines of credit, waive over $300,000 in interest…

Press Release

AG Racine Leads Bipartisan Coalition in Suing Google Over Deceptive Location Tracking Practices That Invade Users' Privacy

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today sued Google, LLC for deceiving and manipulating consumers to gain access to their location data, including making it nearly impossible for users to stop their location from being tracked. Three other attorneys general also plan to file lawsuits in their own…

Surprise Medical Bills Are Now Illegal

New federal protections for consumers against surprise medical bills have gone into effect as of January 1, 2022.

Press Release

AG Racine Announces Precedent Setting Victory in Lawsuit that Stopped Well-Connected Slumlords & Developers from Displacing Long-Term African American Tenants

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today announced that the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) won a precedent-setting victory in a long-running lawsuit against well-connected slumlords and developers who conspired to displace long-time African American tenants from homes they lived in for…