News & Updates

Protecting Detained Immigrant Children

Earlier this summer, the Trump administration put forth a policy of separating families crossing the nation’s southern border. 

Press Release

AG Racine Leads 16-State Coalition Supporting New Jersey's Ban on Large-Capacity Magazines

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today led a group of 16 state attorneys general to defend New Jersey’s ban on large-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

Topics: Public Safety

Get a FREE Ride Home this Halloween

Here are tips to help make sure you and others are safe on the roads this Halloween.

Topics: Public Safety

New Way for Victims to Report Sex Abuse by Clergy

If you are a victim of child sexual abuse by clergy or have knowledge of such abuse, report it to OAG at

Topics: Public Safety

Report Child Abuse—It’s the Law

Reporting child abuse is required by law. Learn how to report.

Topics: Public Safety

Cure the Streets: OAG’s Violence Interruption Program

OAG has launched and fully staffed its own violence interruption program called “Cure the Streets” and it’s already showing some early signs of progress.

Topics: Public Safety

Testimony on Five Bills Before the Committee on the Judiciary & Public Safety

Statement of Elizabeth Wilkins Senior Counsel for Policy

Preventing Suicide: Connecting At-Risk Individuals to Mental Health Resources

Earlier this summer, the Centers for Disease Control released a report showing that suicide rates between 1999 and 2016 have increased more than 30 percent in half of the states and by about 16 percent in the District.

Topics: Public Safety

AG Racine Testifies on Cure the Streets and 2018 Summer Crime Prevention Efforts

Statement of Karl A. Racine Attorney General for the District of Columbia

Topics: Public Safety