News & Updates

Press Release

AG Racine Submits Court Brief On Community’s Views Regarding Potential Sentence Reduction For Rayful Edmond

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today submitted a friend-of-the-court brief reflecting the divided opinions and varied concerns of District of Columbia community members regarding a potential sentence reduction for convicted drug trafficker Rayful Edmond.

Topics: Public Safety

Seeking job opportunities? Career Fair for Parents with Active Child Support Cases

August is Child Support Awareness Month and while OAG’s Child Support Services focuses on helping District families all year long, this month they roll out special efforts to help parents support their children.

Topics: Child Support

Protect Teen Health by Limiting Tobacco Imagery in Streaming Video

Attorney General Racine and a coalition of 43 states called on streaming companies like Netflix and Amazon to limit tobacco use in their video content.

Topics: Public Safety

Urging Congress to Address the Threat of “Forever” Chemicals

“Forever” chemicals are toxic, manmade substances that resist degradation in the environment—hence the “forever” name—and are found in things like textiles with Scotchgard, Teflon products, food packaging, and firefighting foam.

Topics: Public Safety

Newsletter: Saving Lives by Interrupting Violence

Tragically, the District has seen a spike in gun-related violence over the past few weeks that has raised the number of gun fatalities to over 90 this year.

Topics: Public Safety

OP-ED: Why are we sentencing juveniles to die in prison? The Supreme Court dropped the ball.

Sometimes the Supreme Court gets it wrong. In the case of Bobby Bostic, the mistake will likely cost him his life in prison.

Topics: Public Safety
Press Release

AG Racine Leads 18-State Coalition Supporting California's Ban on Large Capacity Magazines to Protect Public Safety

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today led a group of 18 State Attorneys General to defend California’s ban on large-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

Topics: Public Safety

Testimony on Protecting Children Through Mandatory Reporting Amendment Act of 2019

Statement of Erin Cullen Deputy Attorney General – Family Services Division

Topics: Public Safety
Press Release

AG Racine Leads Eight-State Coalition Fighting For The Right To Protect Their Residents From Opioid Overdoses

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today led a coalition of eight states in a friend-of-the-court brief supporting the rights of states to enact public health policies that can prevent opioid overdoses and treat those suffering from opioid use disorder.

Topics: Public Safety

Don’t Drink and Drive: Get a Free Ride Home this 4th of July

The Fourth of July is a time where family and friends gather to observe our nation’s independence with parties, parades, and fireworks—food and alcohol too.

Topics: Public Safety