News & Updates


Testimony on Community Safety and Health Amendment Act of 2019

Statement of Erin Cullen Deputy Attorney General, Family Services Agency

Topics: Public Safety

“Cure the Streets” Pilot Expansion: Making DC Safer Through Violence Interruption

Today, OAG is announcing new community-based partner organizations that will open and operate four new Cure the Streets sites in neighborhoods that experience high levels of violence.

Topics: Public Safety
Press Release

AG Racine Leads 18-State Coalition Defending Vermont’s Right To Ban Large-Capacity Magazines To Prevent Gun Violence

Attorney General Karl A. Racine today led a group of 18 state Attorneys General to defend Vermont’s right to ban large-capacity magazines and protect public safety.

Topics: Public Safety

Testimony on Legislative Strategies to Respond to Firearm Violence and Ghost Gun Prohibition Amendment Act of 2019

Statement of Elizabeth Wieser Deputy Attorney General – Public Safety Division

Topics: Public Safety

Vaping Dangers: What Parents Should Know

Parents should know the facts about e-cigarettes and how to talk with their kids about the dangers of vaping.

Topics: Public Safety

Close the Ammunition Sale Loophole

This week, Attorney General Racine and a coalition of 20 Attorneys General sent a letter to Congressional leaders urging their support of “Jaime’s Law,” legislation which would extend existing background check requirements on firearm sales to also include ammunition sales.

Topics: Public Safety
Press Release

AG Racine Leads 24-State Coalition Opposing Trump Rule That Would Take Food Assistance Away from Millions

Attorney General Karl A. Racine, along with New York Attorney General Letitia James, today led a coalition of 24 Attorneys General opposing the Trump administration’s proposed changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Topics: Public Safety

DC’s Red Flag Law: Removing Guns from Potentially Dangerous Persons

Learn how you can use the District’s “Red Flag Law” to remove a firearm from a potentially dangerous individual.

Topics: Public Safety

OP-ED: No, D.C.’s criminal justice reform efforts don’t go too far

The District’s incarceration rate is higher than any state in the nation — and any country. In large part, that’s owed to a period of excessive mandatory-minimum-sentencing guidelines, which disproportionately targeted people of color. 

Topics: Public Safety